CSS / CSS3 : Web Designing Questions & Answers
Question : By default Hyperlinks are displayed with an underline. How do you remove the underline from all hyperlinks by using CSS code ?
a {text: no-underline;}
a {text-decoration:none;}
a {text-style: no-underline;}
a {text-decoration: no-underline;}
Correct Answer is : Option B.
- If we want define style for an unique element, then which css selector will we use ?
- If we don't want to allow a floating div to the left side of an element, which css property will we use ?
- Suppose we want to arragnge five nos. of DIVs so that DIV4 is placed above DIV1. Now, which css property will we use to control the order of stack?
- Can we align a Block element by setting the left and right margins ?
- If we want to wrap a block of text around an image, which css property will we use ?